A healing chamber is a space in which one can receive healing. It is often used to cure diseases and injuries. Moreover, it can also help resurrect the dead. This technology is used by superheroes like Superman to heal from lethal Kryptonite radiation exposure and Batman to resurrect his severed body parts. This space is usually transparent and made of glass or plexiglass to allow for visual interactions between the patient and physicians.
This type of healing chamber is also known as a hyperbaric oxygen chamber and it is used for treating various wounds and other conditions by delivering 100% pure oxygen at pressures higher than atmospheric pressure. This can help the cells in your body absorb more oxygen to fight infections and promote wound healing.
Patients go into the chamber wearing a mask and once it’s pressurized, they can stand up and move around freely. They also have an intercom and can communicate with staff members inside the chamber. The session lasts for about two hours.
Some people may feel nauseous or have problems breathing while in the chamber, but these are not common. If you have any preexisting conditions, such as chronic sinus or ear infections, lung disease or heart failure, it is important to talk to your doctor before having a treatment at a healing chamber. They can recommend ways to make your treatment less uncomfortable or offer alternatives. You may also want to consider having tubes put in your ears by an ear, nose and throat physician before you enter the chamber.