Gallon per minute is a common unit used to measure the flow rate of liquids. GPM can be measured by simply dividing the volume of a container’s capacity in gallons by the number of seconds required to fill it. It is also possible to find the flow rate by multiplying the velocity of a fluid in a pipe by its cross-sectional area.
Gallons per minute is often confused with PSI (pounds per square inch), which measures the pressure of water. The two units are not the same and have different uses.
This calculator will allow you to convert between several different measurement units, including gallons per minute and cubic feet per minute. Simply enter the value you wish to convert at the top of the form and click “Calculate”. The converted unit will appear in the final box.
You can also use this tool to convert between metric and Imperial units, as well as calculate angles in degrees, radians, and gradians. This page also includes an extensive glossary of angle measurement terms, including arc-minute, angular momentum, circumference of a circle, and many more.
The gallons per minute converter is designed to help you learn about the relationship between the GPM and head measurements of a pump, as well as how to convert from GPM to LPM. It’s easy to use and works in a variety of different measurement systems, including US and Imperial measurements, Metric units, as well as British and SI units. The calculator will also convert between gallons, pounds, and cubic meters. gallons per minute to litres per minute