Despite the proliferation of robots elbowing their way into the workforce, the majority of customers still report that being able to speak to a live person when they have a question or concern is important. With remote receptionist, callers can be connected to a human who can address their needs—whether you’re open for business or closed for the day.
While a virtual receptionist may sound like something from the future, this is actually a service that has been around for many years, with the growth of telemarketing and call center technology. Today’s remote receptionist services are more sophisticated and feature high-tech tools that allow for seamless integration into your business phone system. They also offer more options for your business, such as the ability to provide callers with helpful information about your products or services.
The benefit of working with a virtual receptionist is that you’ll never miss any calls. Instead of being routed to voicemail or forced to follow an automated answering service’s prompts, your callers will hear a friendly and courteous voice greet them by name. This adds a touch of professionalism that will leave a positive impression on your callers and reinforces your brand’s credibility.
In addition to providing stellar customer service, virtual receptionists can help your business save money by reducing the need for in-office employees. The cost of hiring, training, and paying a full-time employee can be prohibitive for some small businesses. With a remote receptionist, you’ll be able to hire the right amount of agents to meet your business needs—and without the extra time off, holiday pay, or graveyard shifts. remote receptionist